Bio Energy

An advanced company like ours stays connected to all advancements in every relevant industry to keep on serving our clients in a perfect and professional manner. By producing Olive Oil, we create various residues. The main Olive Solid Residues which are generated during the olive oil production is named “Virgin olive pomace”: 

Virgin Olive Pomace

One of the most important Agro-food sector in Lebanon is the production of Olive Oil and its residues are utilized as solid biomass fuel. The estimated amount of residues is about 100,000 tons, including stones/pits and exhausted olive pomace.

The production of olive oil begins with the picking of olives, continues with their transport and ends up with their processing in olive mills. After harvesting, any remaining leaves are removed; the olives are washed, and are ground into a pulp using a revolving mill, usually constructed with stainless steel or granite. The entire olive, including the pit, is pressed until it becomes a paste, which is then whipped, adding water. Next comes the phase to separate solid from liquid, either by the traditional process, or by a continuous system 3-phase centrifuge process.
The main Olive Solid Residues which are generated during the olive oil production is named “Virgin olive pomace”: 

The residual paste after the olive oil extraction. It is constituted from a mixture of olive pit/stone, olive pulp & skin, as well as pomace olive oil plus the water added in the olive mills. 
The moisture content is between 25-30% in the pressing system, and 45-60% in 3-phase centrifugal systems. It’s used as solid biomass fuel, or it can be transformed into Charcoal. Using Centrifugal machine, pits can be separated from the pulp and it can be used for Industrial combustion or it can be transformed into powder for Industrial, Pharmaceutical or Cosmetics industries.


A company based in Angola, specialized in the collection of the Used Vegetable Cooking Oil.
Benefit from reselling the used cooking oil, being a restaurant, hotel or house.